
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tips for Redesigning a Small Space

When dealing with small spaces, sometimes people are at a loss as to which direction to take when pondering a redesign. Transforming a small space can be challenging endeavor, but it is certainly not a impossible one. What follows is a list of a few tips that can help you rise to the challenge when it comes to redesigning your small space.

Windows are Your Friends

Windows are a great source of natural light and can really help open up a small room. Try scaling back on cumbersome window treatments and play up the role of windows in your small space. Light, airy curtains or open blinds let the light in and open the room up in the process, so stop covering them up and brighten your room in the process.

Choose Colors Carefully

Depending on the dimensions of your room, the wrong color choice can make the room feel smaller. Choosing cool colors and accent pieces helps eliminate the claustrophobic feeling that can be enhanced by warm, dark colors. Stark white trim helps to establish contrast and cool grey tones can really help to create a sense of openness. Accessorize effectively, using accent colors from a rug or piece of art that brings the room together.

Room Orientation

Rearranging your small space may be just what you need to do to make the place feel a little larger. Try to use your walls with longer dimensions to your advantage to play up the features in your space. Also, if you have decided to change paint colors, stripes can help elongate walls either vertically or horizontally depending on the perception and wish you look to achieve.

Find a Focal Point

Whether it's a fireplace, artwork, or piece of furniture, finding a focal point for the room is a great starting point with which to finish conceiving your design. Using the focal point can help you from selecting everything from paint color to figuring out the exact layout of the room. Figure out what you want to focus on when redesigning your small space.

Remove Excess Items

Often when redesigning a small space, we tend to try and keep everything that we currently have and simply move it around. This isn't always the best idea. Excess furniture, accessories, and other items can give a small space a very cluttered feel, which ultimately makes the room feel smaller. Try and maximize your space's efficiency without filling it completely.

This post was contribulted by Holly McCarthy who writes on the subject of trade schools. She invites your feedback at For a link to her website click on the above post title "Tips for Redesiging a small space"


  1. I love these tips, please keep them coming for my small space.

  2. Great post! Love the pic at the top... tres inspirationale! xoxox <3 Üdo

  3. Wonderful tips for redesigning a small space

  4. Lisa,
    Congratulations on being a selected as a must click blog by The Washington Post!!

  5. Love your blog. So glad the trend has moved away from gigantic mcmansions to small but well thought out space.I like to go vertical in small spaces, and of course have stepladders handy!

  6. what a great room, so quaint. love your tips.

  7. Congrats on the Washington Post BlogWatch call-out!

  8. I love your site! Its amazing, very similar to the blog I'm currently working on for a class. Thanks for all the tips!

  9. Great tips! I live in a small Caribbean condo, under 900 square feet. Space is always a challenge, particularly with lack of storage and available home decor.
    I am inspired by your blog. :)

  10. Hey Everyone!

    Glad everyone is enjoying the tips. Holly did a great job! You can ck out her website at or just click on the title of the post and it will take you there. Thanks Holly for your great article and tips!
    Thanks also for the congrats for the washington post mentioned. I was in shock! Im glad you all mentioned it because I would have never known!
    Take care everyone! Lisa

  11. just found your blog...delightful images very inspiring...i will be back!

  12. Hi there, what a great read for dealing with small spaces...fantastic ideas and advice provided! I ilke the styles featured - very urban-chic in its ways...Richy

  13. What an absolutely PERFECT kitchen! When I grow up I want to have a kitchen just like that!

  14. Thanks for all the great comments and its nice to see new people finding my blog! I'm glad your enjoying it...its so nice to hear! Thanks so much!!!!

  15. What a great post! I think you're so right on. And one of your tips is so easy to do: remove excess clutter. How true. If it feels packed, then it probably is. I'll be back...cheers, -susan

  16. These tips are amazing! I'm planning on living in a [very] small space next fall so these are nice to have on hand. Thanks for the tips!

  17. Great post! Your tips are short and to the point! So many of us now live in small apartments. I'm enjoying your photos too!
