Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reader Home !!!!

May I just say that I'm LOVING the reader photos that are coming my way ! Keep em coming !!! This beautiful kitchen was redone by a reader Karin from Wilmington, North Carolina. She and her boyfriend redid the entire thing themselves, including the plumbing and electrical work and more ! Her home is 1000 square feet in total. Her kitchen was 10 x 8 and now is 10 x 15. I love the whole look and feel of the kitchen. The cab and tile work is stunning ! Great job Karin !!! (and boyfriend :))


life, in small chunks said...

Thanks Lisa!

Maria Noonan said...

Love it!

Thresha said...

This kitchen is adorable and looks way bigger than what it is!! Great job!

stells and co. said...

Love that Kitchen!!!! Great job!!!

Robin said...

They did a beautiful job! Can they come over and help me with my kitchen? (also 10 x 8 in a 100 sf apt...)

Sharon said...

That is the best "small" kitchen I've seen in a while. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Wow, stunning!

the gardener's cottage said...

karin your kitchen is beyond gorgeous and the fact that you 2 did it all yourselves is amazing. you 2 really work well together b/c the place looks great. good choices on all finishes. really pretty.


flwrjane said...

Love her, love her blog and her fabulous boyfriend. Did you see the table he built?

I've been reading your blog for a while now ( 918 SQ house) so i was delighted to see the marriage of yours and Karin's.


Angie said...

Great kitchen!! Would love to see more of this house!

Unknown said...

Congrats! Great kitchen.
Paty Romero from Monterrey, Mexico

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's so beautiful kitchen. I really akin to this kitchen.
natural stone mosaic

Learning Spanish at 41 said...

very nice jealous of all that storage and sooo clean and tidy!

life, in small chunks said...

Hi Lisa,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the lovely comments from your readers!

Anonymous said...

Significant Blog! Thanks for making conscious of this on my lot

Lipo said...

Really Nice Kitchen. Here all these image are look fantastic. I love the kitchen design and Its furniture. Its really look very cool.