Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stay Outside Longer

For the psst 2 days when I go out onto my screened porch with my morning coffee, I've felt the first nip of fall in the air. Rather strange because this time of year where I live, its still usually very hot. I'm sure we will still have some very hot days, but it looks like summer 08 is winding down fast. So get outside people! I can't say it enough!


Sometimes It's Good said...

A place like any of the ones you posted would make going outside such a pleasure!

Patti said...

The pictures are beautiful- I agree with Susan! I would never want to be inside! It has been cooler than normal where I live too (instead of the sticky, hot, humid weather we come to expect in summer) which does make being outdoors so much more pleasant.

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oh....Lisa B...you are so dang good a squeezing every little drip out of a season! It's an art, I swear!

Gorgeous pics....enjoy your fall...I'll be there in, oh, 4-5 months!

Kath said...

Love your blog (not sure how I got to it, though!) and am inspired to re-do a few of my rooms in my medium sized house.

Lisa said...

thank you everybody!

Linda "I'll be there in 4-5 months" why I outta!!!! LOL

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Ha! Lisa...waht I meant is I can't even think,hear whiff about fall around the corner for many months. It's HOT...will remain HOT for,well, EVER!! (This is heading into the tough to deal time for us...scratch that...for me!)

Lisa said...

I guess the grass is always greener huh? My sister who is use to spring by April and fall by Sept. had to do some major adjusting when she moved to Dallas. The seasons are longer for her down there too....

Anonymous said...

Um. Is this your outside?! Amazing either way :)

Lisa said...


Oh nonono...not mine! I wish!!! lol!

Unknown said...

Oh, How I am wishing I had a little space outside such as these to relax and just have time to myself. They are gorgeous, gorgeous, and gorgeous- I must say! Daisy~