Friday, November 21, 2008

Home Offices

One of my favorite rooms to really put a lot of thought into is my home office. With spaces being scarce, it takes some thought. Mine is in my main living area, taking up one small wall. I think the main thing you have to consider is what you actual use your home office for, and then go from there. Sometimes keeping the laptop by your bedside is all you will really need. Do you have a dedicated space for a home office? Mine is used primarily to pay bills, keep all the "papers" organized and surf the net.


Sometimes It's Good said...

Glad you are back. I like the shelves with the desk attached. That would work out well for a lot of people.

Unknown said...

Welcome back!

I also like the bookshelf/desk combo. And such a cheery color!

Sabina said...

I'll take any of these!!

Molly said...

Lovely spaces! I have a small spare bedroom that I use as a studio and office.... it's in the middle of an organizational overhaul,so I love seeing inspirational (organized) spaces like these!

Anonymous said...

I would die to have that first space! Someday....

Taj said...

these are soo cute!

where did you find the desk in the bottom picture? it's excatly what i've been looking for.

Taj said...

these are soo cute!

where did you find the bottom desk? it is excatly what i've been loofing for.

Camilla said...

I wish my home office was as organized as these! Chaos is the state i currently work in! -it aint pretty!

mondocherry said...

I love the idea of using the bookshelf as a divider for two desks - might let my boys concentrate on their homework instead of amusing each other! Those baskets hanging off the side of the bookcase is a clever use of space too.

Anonymous said...

this is great, living in a small house it's not easy to find space for a home office but this is quite inspiring!

Janis@HomeStyle said...

Wow great inspiration to clean and organize my office. Currently it looks like a bomb has gone off in there.....but after viewing those great pics I'm going whip it into shape.

Decor To Adore said...

I love the last image. Where did it come from? Thanks!

AshleyL. said...

I love the soft colors! :)

beachy in the burbs said...

Oh my gosh how I love these! I'm on a mission to reorganize our his and her workspace, which is a current disaster in our bedroom (not very zen). These photos are so great and provide much-needed inspiration! Thanks! :)

Lisa said...

Thanks for the comments everybody!
The last picture is on

here's the link

Jann said...

I came across your blog...and have to tell you it is lovely!
My daughter lives in a small town home in Boise, Idaho and I would love to forward your blog to her. Is your
It is simply...a delight to read.
Jann in Idaho

the healthy ghost said...

In your pictures there´s always a touch of white,I love it.

Jen said...

I love your blog! We (my husband, myself, and our 3 kids) live in a 650 sq ft house. I always find inspiration for making our home work better for us.

I've nominated you for a blog award. Here is the link:

LindsB said...

So glad you are back! I would love to have a home office, I wish we had the space! When we moved into my current apartment, the BF took dibs on the one office there- so sad for me. But, if I had one I would want it to look like any of these- great post!

Jayne said...

Great blog by the way! You might be interested in what we did with our study which is now integrated into our dining area. It works brilliantly! There are more pictures in flickr at


One arm scissor said...

Wow I love the double sided desk. But I am having trouble finding out how buy it. is not a big help either. Please help. Thanks.

Thomas said...

my home office is scattered throughout my studio. my intention is to keep it at the cafe dining table. great ideas!

AnhHoaViet said...

Good design. I love it.
Thanks for share.
My blog here:

Queen B. said...

Oh my gosh, I just adore the shelf unit with 2 chairs on either side... May I ask what Magazine that is from ???
Love, love THAT IDEA !!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I have a pic I took from a magazine of that same bookshelf desk... I look at it a lot, thinking "Gah I would love that in the living room!"
Someday I will do it... someday soon... maybe this weekend!

Love your blog, I follow it now... check out MY blog and help me with my new house decor... hints, tips, anything... help! THANKS!