Friday, September 12, 2008

Which Room do you Prefer?

Same room, different owners. Which one do you prefer? I had a TOUGH time with this one because I like them both in different ways. Do you prefer Doug or Debra? (Names are in the corner of the pictures).


Kara said...

oh that is tough I like half of each but I think I would have to go with Doug as I just loooovvvveee the chair

Lettered Cottage said...

Her palette spoke to me instantly.

The Lettered Cottage

Kara said...

I'd go with Debra myself. It looks so serene

sandra/tx said...

That's hard, but I think I like Doug's the best.

Off topic, check out tomorrow's post on my blog, LeesaBee. There's a shout out to you and your blog, along with a few pics. I hope you don't mind. (If you do, let me know. I still have time to redo).

Lisa said...

Nada problem know that!!
I will def ck you out g/f!

I still have not made up my mind...I'm leaning towards Deb... both really nice tho

Elizabeth said...

Hmmm, I think I would say Debra, it seems less cluttered. Although I do really love the wall color in the first pic.

Amy said...

Both are great rooms, but I think I'd have to go with Debra's design. It is a little more casual and comfy...that's definitely my style.

Sugar Plum Invitations said...

Mmmm debra, I think it's a little more relaxed, which appeals to me more.

Ana Herda said...

Debra, mostly because I own that coffee table.

Cris of Kiss My Tulle said...

Hm. I think I like Debra's just looks like you could relax and put your feet up on the furniture without getting yelled at. And yes, that is one of my major rdecorating requirements!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I like the bottom one the best because I don't like wall mounted flat screens or glass table tops. The side chairs also look comfier but I would rather replace them with sofa chairs- much comfier!

Puhvis Kukk said...

Doug for sure. a) mirror on the fireplace - you need something on that space above and b) color palette is warmer

Kimberly said...

Debra's seems much more inviting with the fresh flowers and the cozy looking chair.

MeMeMe said...

Doug. I love the mirror. The chair. Not sure about the tv, but hey, my tv is in our great room. I like the wall sconce and the furniture below it.

ecometrochic said...

Gotta be Doug. I love the warm wood tone in the corner, the chair, the hint of green, yeah.

anneliese said...

I vote for Doug... seems a little cleaner and he plays more with scale. Love the TV, too!

Anonymous said...

Simply Debra!


Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Debra...Like her art like her lighting like her flowers and like her books...and like her wall color better...breathier (new word)

AnnaVallance said...

I chose Doug's even though there is a tv on the wall; the colour, the textures look good.

Heather Weisse Walsh said...

Hmmmm... so tough!!! I'd have to say Debra but I'd really love to mix elements of both rooms! :)

janet in ft worth said...

Debra's is more to my liking. It seems fresher and more contemporary. I do love the stacked wooden boxes in the corner of Doug's version, so I'd like to replace Debra's baskets with those.

Johannah said...

Debra for SURE.

Lynn said...

Neither/both. Although lovely, both palettes are too neutral for my taste. I like the candlesticks and mirror on his mantel; I like the flowers on hers and would put them on the other side of his mantel, where the marble ball is. I like her art and his stacked boxes. I like the shape of his coffee table and the dark wood of hers. I like her big baskets. Neither of the armchairs would be roomy enough to suit me. Her occasional table is pretty but too tall and "tippy" to have around my grandkids. I'm a Kaffe Fassett girl, all the way: overkill on pattern, color, and texture.

Still, it's fascinating to see how two owners decorate the same room.

Me in Memphis said...

Debra - I don't like the little tv, it looks too out of place. Glass table tops are not my fav either. Love the fireplace though!!!

Decor To Adore said...

I like Doug's lighting and furniture choices but could do without the flat screen.

Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Can't pick one because I'd combine pieces of each to make my room. Love the bones of this room, however, the window, fireplace...lovely. I like her coffee table, chair, art, flowers, baskets and his urn and other elements. No TV needed for my room in either version.

Anonymous said...

Debra's definitely. Way more style and design. The space works and has a personality.


Camilla said...

I vote Debra -but Doug for over the fireplace! I cant make up rules cant i?!!

Perfect Witch said...

Doug's. Love the mirror, the box, and the chair.

Inspired Kara said...

May I please pick doug with the chair from Debra?


Ry said...

Debra. Doug's gold/brass accents turn me off.

No.35style said...

I really like elements of both!

Silvina said...

I love Debra room

LivingTheLife said...

Ewww...this is hard for me...Upon first glance I would probably have said Debra's room...but after really looking at both rooms, I THINK I would prefer Doug's. Mainly b/c there are only a couple of elements I don't care for in his room, one being the flat screen on the wall...however, there are more things I love! I love his wall sconce, the mantel with the fab mirror, I love the stacked boxes and the urns...basically I could live with the glass tables...but even though I love his chair...I would certainly consider replacing it with something a little more on the cozy side. That's may take on it today...if I look at it tomorrow...I could change my mind. So, I'll try not to.

Fun to little game to play...


Unknown said...

This is hard because I like the mirror over the fireplace in the 1st one but then I like the decor and layout of the 2an one. I guess the 2an one is what I would choose. said...

Debra, because there's no TV showing. Hate seeing a TV. They're never pretty, should always be hidden... PJ

Anonymous said...

They're all so beautiful, but I think I love Doug's, but wish he had Debra's chair!

Boxcar Goods said...


Anonymous said...

Debra... much more informal and rustic... love it

HELP ME decorate my new home with your comments